Helen Nadel

Blog Post

Choosing Singing Lessons for Kids

  • By Cedric Hitchens
  • 08 May, 2017
The best time to teach people new things is when they are still kids. With a fresh outlook of life, children are like sponges that would willingly adapt and accept new things taught to them. This is probably why most parents are enrolling their offspring in singing lessons for kids. Not only is it an admirable talent to possess, but it can be a source of enjoyment for the child as well. If you are one of those parents, here are some of the things suggested by Helen Nadel you might consider before signing on for singing lessons for youth.

The Teachers
As every parent knows, kids can be very messy. This is why it is important for you check out if the teacher will be patient with the student. Find out if he or she has worked with children before as well as their success rate. Keep in mind that this can affect your child's emotional well being so be careful of what to choose.

The Lessons
Kids are kids and they won't automatically go for the new songs of today that can be pretty fast and hard to pronounce. It is important to start them off with easy songs, perhaps even ones that appeal to the child. As the singing lessons for kids or singing lessons for youth progresses, the level of the song may increase as the child's familiarity to the activity becomes more so.

To Music School or Not
Music schools are also excellent options, especially if you're going to place your child in group sessions. This will allow them to cultivate their social skills as well as singing skills. However, if you want private lessons at home, then that's also up to you. The important thing is that the child enjoys the lessons as well as learning from it. If you do decide to opt for music schools, then ask pertinent questions ranging from their lessons, how they handle children and how they motivate the students to participate. You might even try to ask if they will let you sit in on one of the classes for a better understanding of what exactly your child will get.

Teaching them Yourself?
Of course, you also have the option of teaching them yourself. Even if you are not well versed when it comes to music, you can find the necessary information via online singing lessons. You may also incorporate instrument lessons if you can, and teaching your child yourself may promote bonding in the family. However, bear in mind that there is only so much you can teach through online singing lessons. This is why for a deeper understanding when it comes to music, you should hire a teacher or enroll your child in credible music schools.

Motivating your child into participating in singing class won't be that hard, especially if the child has already shown previous interest in the art. It is now the parent's role to cultivate that talent into something more. The constant presence of music in the house is also a great motivator.

Helen Nadel is a life coach and a singing teacher who has empowered many lives
Because of her background as a singer and a recording artist with EMI France, Helen has taught children age four and up how to sing. Helen has been working with children in voice placement, voice projection and has kept countless young performers from the painful damage which vocalist experience when they do not sing from the diaphragm.

Helen Nadel’s various levels of expertise in vocal expression have a lot to do with the ability to sing from the diaphragm.

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