Helen Nadel

By Cedric Hitchens February 21, 2019

Setting clear expectations helps you discipline your child more effectively. Communicating with your child is sometimes challenging. The younger they are the lower their ability to understand what you are saying and the harder it is for them to express themselves.


One thing that works at any stage of child development is setting clear expectations and consistent results when their behavior is bad or good.


Switching the end result or the rules of the game from day to day is a surefire way to confuse your child and pretty much hand them full license to behave as they wish. This leads to frustration on both sides. Kids do like boundaries, rules and leaning cause and effect.


Under 3 years old they need you to establish simple rules. Tell them, even though they will have some trouble understanding, that things like hitting, yelling, biting or other negative behaviors have a consequence. That may be as simple as you leaving the room for 1 minute.


Helene Goldnadel is of the view that toddlers are very quick to learn that if they act poorly then things they do not like happen. They are also quick to forget so again be consistent every day even if it does not appear to be working. Patterns are forming in their minds and inconsistent behavior from you now can lead to hard to control kids down the road.


For older children the same rules apply. Sit down and explain the rules, let them know that these rules are not negotiable. But do not create rules and punishments that you cannot follow through on. You need to believe they are necessary and correct.


Older children often perform well with written contracts or a chart on the wall that shows them the expected behaviors, the rules and the consequences that go with breaking them.


An important part of discipline is also rewarding good behavior. Give them the right to expect praise or rewards for being good. Clear expectations work both ways in happy, healthy relationships.


Make sure that your child knows that these expectations and rules are there for their benefit, their safety and that you are doing it because you love them.

Also read:  Change How You Think About Child Stress Management

By Cedric Hitchens July 18, 2017
Life coaching is made for several different reasons. And one benefit of this line of work is to be able to help people develop more confidence in themselves.

A life coach for this situation might need to be in contact with you on a regular basis. For most coaches and clients, a weekly personal session or one conducted over the phone might suffice.

Determine the causes of low self confidence. The first task that you and your coach needs to accomplish is knowing what has caused you to have low self confidence. The two most common factors that are seen as important in the growth of a person are family and the environment. The parents are the first people that affect our lives. They teach us about different things and we learn a lot from them. The way we behave most of the time will be mostly molded by how we are brought up by the family.

The environment or the other people that we have met along the way will also matter. Of course, this would also include experiences that have made an impact by one way or another.

The life coach's role is to help you think about what the possible causes for your situation might be. You will be assessed thoroughly and you will have to share what experiences you have had in the past.

How you were able to cope with or reacted to different difficult or happy situations in your life will also be taken into account.

Sharing your hidden self. You don't have to share your biggest, darkest secrets. But, the more that you are true to your life coach, the greater the success might be. As an accurate assessment of your behavior and your beliefs is vital in the formation of plans and management techniques to help boost your confidence, you need to be able to provide the truest information to your life coach.

This may also be the opportunity for you to realize what your strengths and weaknesses are. When you have accepted both of these things, you can be ready to proceed to the next step.

Believing in yourself. This can be a difficult task to do, especially since we are talking about low self confidence. But since you have already known what you are capable or aren't capable of, you will have an idea of what areas you can start putting your trust in your own abilities.

Focus on doing things that you consider to be your strengths. Your weaknesses, however, should not be put aside. For you to truly appreciate yourself, you should also work towards erasing these weaknesses as much as possible.

Track your progress. At the start, you will be identifying a time frame to accomplish your objectives. To be able to know if you have truly made a development with yourself or not, you and your life coach can list down the things that you are doing. In every activity that you take an active part in, it should be considered an improvement.

Helen Nadel is a life coach and a singing teacher who has empowered many lives. Helen has extensive experience with vocal instruction, which enables them to help you discover your weaknesses and develop a plan to turn them into strengths. Her knowledge will help you move your voice forward in a constructive way so that you will protect your voice while you are developing it. Helen’s various levels of expertise in vocal expression have a lot to do with the ability to sing from the diaphragm.
By Cedric Hitchens July 12, 2017
There is just something about singing that seems to bring the best out in all of us. Singing has a way of getting everyone involved. Vocal lessons are a great way to put you right in the middle of all the fun when everyone starts to sing.

What many may not know is that there are more benefits to vocal lessons than just being able to carry a tune. It isn't just about singing but there are pluses both emotionally and physically. Lessons are all about training programs which introduce techniques.

Your lungs are all about breathing. In order to sustain high pitches and long notes the lungs need to be strong. Lessons generally begin with warm up exercises. The lungs are trained to inhale air properly and use control in exhaling. Understanding the anatomy associated with singing is beneficial to your health. It is important to learn how to use your voice correctly and safely. Breathing control, stamina and how not to abuse your vocal chords will be addressed.

There are a lot of reasons why people seek voice lessons. Some want to learn to carry a tune while others just want to improve their voices. Lessons are very personally designed for the student and their needs. It is all about getting better and reaching your full potential.

A very positive outcome of taking vocal lessons is improving confidence. Being a little nervous is normal even for the best of performers but when it causes your voice to quiver or not hit all the notes then it becomes a problem. Through professional coaching corrections can be made and success can be the outcome. How to stand, the proper handling of a microphone, and overcoming stage fears are all addressed. Confidence can also be gained for the simplest of arenas such as singing in groups, at church, or even singing along with the radio in the car.

Vocal coaching can carry over into public speaking. Again your lungs, breathing technique, clarity, stance and nerves can all affect your performance. Vocal lessons can address and benefit these areas also.

Helen Nadel offers vocal lessons to children that can meet their needs. Here Professional coaching will guide them and train them for success. As they improve their confidence will excel. Singing is a great hobby and pastime that can have so many benefits. Not only will it be a learning experience that brings out the best in you...it will be fun.

For more info, please visit here:  http://helennadel.strikingly.com/
By Cedric Hitchens July 5, 2017
Some kids have the gift of a good voice. If your child has the talent, it is important to hone the skill by giving them formal training when they are still young. Considering specialized music schools will help in learning different singing techniques. There are good music schools such as Helen Nadel's Institute; so, you can consider giving singing lesson for children of different age groups.

Good Music Schools

Most music schools offer specialized training including the technique of playing musical instruments. It is always important to select a reputed school for training your child. Qualified and experienced musicians train kids according to their specific requirements and skills. The schools provide training in vocal skills as well as teach them a variety of music styles. Moreover, the teachers in professional schools are well-qualified; so, the child benefits from a proper teaching and learning environment.

Drum Lessons

Kids drum lessons are given in many music schools. Beginners are taught the basics of drumming that include stick control and other techniques. These basic lessons are essential for new learners. Once, these are mastered, the child is taught other aspects of drumming such as the snare, crash cymbal, hit-hat, ride cymbal, bass drum and floor toms. Various drumming styles are also taught. As the child progresses from the fundamentals, they move on to advanced levels. Before this children have to practice consistently until the beat can be played correctly. A vital skill is the steady tempo. At the higher levels, the child learns 11-stroke rolls, ratamacues and flamacues.

Vocal Training

Actually, there is a difference between singing and vocal lessons. Learning to master your voice is what you obtain at a vocal lesson. On the contrary, the way a song has to be performed is taught at a singing class. Many children have the natural talent to sing; this gift can be developed in a formal music school. You can enroll your child for kids' vocal lesson in a good school. After some posture and simple stretch exercises, the child is taught proper breathing techniques. Then, the registers are introduced after which long glissandos are practiced. Ear-training is another aspect of learning where children are taught to match the pitch and subsequently to sing in steps, from higher to lower. The scales are then introduced after which the intervals and vowels are taught. Finally, practice reading is taught.

Helen Nadel is a life coach and a singing teacher. As an actor, recording artist, music producer and TV and video producer, she has been working behind the scenes for years to empower children. She has taught children age four and up how to sing, act and dance. Helen Nadel’s various levels of expertise in vocal expression have a lot to do with the ability to sing from the diaphragm.
By Cedric Hitchens June 28, 2017
There are so many aspiring actors in the world that it is important if you are to make it in acting, to have an advantage over the competition. Even if you have great acting skills it may be a question of getting the right lucky break or being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes though, you have to make your own luck and, like the law of attraction, opportunities will come to you because you want them to.

One way to give yourself an edge over the competition with other actors is to boost your own self-confidence, motivation and self-belief. If you believe in yourself then that will show to others and they will believe in you too. You can do this by using positive affirmations but one way to increase the benefits of these and the ability for them to influence your mind, is to use them via subliminal messaging.

Subliminal messages are recorded at a different frequency so that they are not audible to the human ear. In this way they target the subconscious mind which has the ability to soak up ten times the information that the conscious mind can. Also, because you cannot actually hear the messages themselves, your conscious mind cannot sabotage these messages to make you believe they are not true.

Many people have used subliminal messaging successfully to turn their lives around in different ways. It is a form of self-hypnosis and you can listen to the messages at any time, including while you are asleep, so you don't need to set time aside to say affirmations to yourself, so saving you valuable time.

You can use subliminal messaging to help you to become an actor by playing the right messages to your brain. These will train your brain to think and act like an actor and so give you some of the skills that you might need to get ahead. If you are really determined to succeed in what you want then these messages and affirmations can be used along with and other forms of training you are doing, to make you succeed in your goals.

Helen Nadel is an American citizen born in France. An actor, recording artist, music producer and TV and video producer, she has been working behind the scenes for years to empower children. She has taught children age four and up how to sing, act and dance. Helen Nadel’s various levels of expertise in vocal expression have a lot to do with the ability to sing from the diaphragm.

To read more, please visit here:  https://medium.com/@HelenNadel
By Cedric Hitchens June 16, 2017
One characteristic most successful people have in common is that they all manage to find a way to make a living doing what they most enjoy. For example, a famous actor finds a way to make acting his life career, a successful business man build his own business, a music producer turns his music studio into his full-time business.

So if, music is your passion-- One must find a way to make a living in the music industry. One of the things we hear a lot from local music bands today is: "It is too hard to make money these days as a musician." Yet, every day we are seeing new artists emerging in the industry, selling millions of tracks, records, and winning Grammys. The music industry Is a multi-million industry; so there will always be money in it, the only difference is that today record labels are not taking the same chances as before signing new artist.

The reason why so many independent artists struggle in their music career is because their lack of business knowledge. The most common mistakes musicians make in the music industry: Is not to learn about the music business itself. Most musicians despite the business side of the industry, and tend to focus only on making music. Unfortunately, this why so many talented musicians have no other option, but to get regular jobs, and take music just as a hobby, and not as a career. The excellent news is that everyday new music artists are turning their music into their business.

Once again- the reason why many musicians fail in the business is... Musicians seem to dislike paper work, or anything that has to do with learning about the entertainment industry. They will do anything to stay away from the business world. The young musician believes they will join a band, write some songs and get a free recording contract. After a brief whirlwind tour, they will return to their beach house where they spend their days partying with Super Models. In music, money and fame scenario, this dream seems to forget about the money.

Why the shame?--That is the lifestyle thrown at us from music videos. Any independent musician who is passionate about their craft is always researching their contemporaries (other popular artists). They know what is happening in the popular music scene. You have to if you want to make money with music. Unfortunately, this is all that the independent musician is exposed. Their view of the music world lies in the "bling bling" that coats the business side of music like a plastic wrapper coats candy. If you were studying classical music, you would have a completely different outlook on your music career.

Helen Nadel is a multi-talented actor, performer, singer, musician, producer, and published author. She started in the music business at age 12. She has been the owner of ICA a production company. She started in the music business at age 12. She was a recording artist for EMI, and has since then produced many other performers.
The children trained at her premiere institution, fare extremely powerfully in the film, and TV commercial industry.

To read more, please visit here:  https://medium.com/@HelenNadel
By Cedric Hitchens June 1, 2017
If you are involved with children in any capacity, you are probably looking for fun ways to influence them down the right road in life. You want to build their confidence and show them how beautiful and intelligent they are, but you also want to make sure they have goals and a direction in life. These are important things, since children are now getting involved with other negative life influences at very early ages. If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or otherwise interact with children regularly, you should consider using music and movement to give the positive messages you want to send.

Music is a great way to reach children because a song is far more entertaining than a parent going on and on about what to do and not to do in life. If you want to sit down and have a serious talk with a child, turning on some music and easing into the conversation with casual chit-chat is always an effective strategy. You don't want to just announce that you have something to talk about, because that puts children of all ages on guard.

If you have ever sat in a room with a child and just listened to music, you probably know how it opens them up. Music and movement is very relaxing and can put children at ease so they are in the mood to talk and open up. Lyrics in a song can also stimulate certain thoughts on certain subjects for a child. This can get them to talk about things without directly approaching the subject.

This is directly mostly at getting older children to open up so they really hear what you have to say on important topics, but you can use music and movement to influence small children as well. There is a reason so many parents take their children to early childhood music classes, especially those that allow parents to participate with their children. These classes allow parents to bond with their children. They teach children from early ages to use music as a method of relaxation and self expression.

You can also use music and movement to set positive examples in your own home. Rather than creating that bond with your child through early childhood music classes, you can teach them about physical fitness and encourage them to lighten up and have fun in their lives. You can also use music to calm a child down when they are throwing temper tantrums. They learn to self-soothe and ease out of a bad mood by listening to music.

Remember, children will model what they see others doing. If you use music and movement to stay in shape, calm down, and take off stress, then your children will be more likely to do so as well. That is why early childhood music programs that allow parents and children to explore and learn together are so valuable. They teach parents how to set positive role models for their children, right from infanthood.

Helen Nadel and her staff have been the driving factor towards personal growth for children for years. Helene Goldnadel has dedicated her life to children and the education which they receive at Helene Goldnadel’s acting institution.
She personally coaches personal growth and of course, singing. She has successfully placed outstanding graduates of her school’s for years.
To read more, please visit here:  https://medium.com/@HelenNadel
By Cedric Hitchens May 22, 2017
How is the Process of Creating Art or Poetry Really Benefiting Your Child?
Can Art Classes for Kids Help?

The research has been in for some time. It has been determined that the kind of art education that can occur during art classes can lay the groundwork for future career or academic success. Creative children have a more well-rounded view of the world, they are not afraid to be expressive, and their self-esteem is strengthened through their artistic endeavours.

Valuable learning does not solely happen with the left brain - the side of the brain that steers us towards accuracy, and rational thinking. Additionally, artistic learning or right-brained learning should not be pigeon-holed into being seen as largely unnecessary or optional in that it does not provide real benefit for us from childhood into adulthood.

Learning or developing skills in art or poetry is not simply beneficial because your child will learn a novel skill. Art classes for kids balance your child's learning and helps to build their thinking skills.

People are often captured by art or poetry on an aesthetic level. They comment that art or poetry captures or exudes beauty. They remark on how enriched that they feel as a result of these artistic creations.

But what about the creators of such beauty?

During art classes for kids, the creators of this beauty are not just enriching others but they are enriching themselves through the very process of creating. These young creators are creating pathways for how they will experience and understand the world. The unseen benefits lie in the process of creating during art classes for kids.

Instructors who teach art classes for kids use the lessons as a way to expand a child's cognitive skills and give children a way to stretch their thinking in order to solve problems. The creation of both art and poetry can push children to solve old problems in new ways - an extremely valuable skill to master.

Another part of the process that is beneficial during art classes for kids is the reflection process. After a child has been enriched through the creation process they can begin to open up their minds to self discovery as they reflect on their artistic or poetic creations. It is during this process that a child will learn a lot about them and discover new ways of seeing the world and experience life-affirming behaviours.

We teach our children from a very early age to value learning. Of course the information that one learns is valuable but the process for learning is also extremely relevant for a child's mental and emotional growth. Art classes for kids focus on both. These classes focus on developing creativity works of art and poetry that a child can be proud of while reaffirming their ability to create beauty with their own hands and imaginations.

Quality education is not simply found in the subjects that focus on logical reasoning but it also comes to life by finding ways to encourage creative and alternative thinking.

Helen Nadel and her staff teach children how to simply empower each other and how to make a real difference as per the quality of the work on set. Ms. Helene has dedicated her life to children and she personally coaches personal growth and of course, singing. She has successfully placed outstanding graduates of her school’s for years.

Helen Nadel and her staff proudly have allowed for children to become so good at their craft that the kids who sing, dance and act, or two out of the three, often perform as series regular actors on major shows on television.
For more info, please visit here:  http://helennadel.freeblog.site
By Cedric Hitchens May 15, 2017
Dance for Fitness and Fun!

With childhood obesity rates rising, school fitness programs being cut and self esteem a crucial factor, there is no wonder that studio dance classes have boomed in recent years. Dance is a wonderful form of exercise that works all the major muscle groups in the body while helping with poise, posture, coordination and creative movement. Dancing also can stimulates the brain with the challenges of memorizing choreography as well as understanding the anatomy and muscle movement that makes dancing possible.

It is never too late to learn how to dance - from 2.5 years old up to adults. There are many styles of dancing - from tap to hip hop - that will appeal to different people. Learning it as a child also helps install confidence so they are comfortable at school or performing on stage.

Gain the Competitive Edge

If your child absolutely loves to dance and hopes dancing are part of a professional career in the future, then participating in a competitive dance program is a must! At Helene Goldnadel's Institute, you can be sure to be taught by top instructors. These classes are for those who love to perform, and enjoy competing in a fun and positive environment that evokes creativity, discipline and a solid work ethic.

Dancers will be encouraged to take a mandatory set of classes, as well as participate in outside workshops and competitions to help facilitate their desire to grow as a dancer by learning new choreography and techniques. Dancers are also able to participate in unlimited open classes as a part of their overall tuition, in order to further improve their skills.

Competitive Dance Classes - Taking the Steps Towards Professional Dance

By participating at the best competitive dance program, students have the opportunity to learn professionalism and train to be a member of the entertainment industry where plenty of dancing opportunities are available.

Dancers interested in this program must audition first in order to be accepted into the program, and are then placed according to their ability and skill level, as well as their age. If a dancer displays a skill set that is higher for a certain discipline, they may be placed over multiple levels. Although much more commitment is required to be a part of the competitive program, there are many more opportunities to perform and compete at a number of competitions and venues throughout the year.

Learn Competitive Dance

Helen Nadel's Institute offers child students a competitive dance program with training in many styles including ballet, jazz, contemporary, acro, tap and hip hop. With experienced, professional instructors that have been featured on popular dancing programs including.

If your child is above 5 years of age and you are looking forward to making him join some activity, then dance lessons at Helen Nadel's Institute is highly recommended. Here you can choose from a variety of classes for your child and along with dance classes there are also other creative activities available here like learning music and theatre, if your child is interested in the same.
For more details, please visit here: https://medium.com/@HelenNadel
By Cedric Hitchens May 8, 2017
The best time to teach people new things is when they are still kids. With a fresh outlook of life, children are like sponges that would willingly adapt and accept new things taught to them. This is probably why most parents are enrolling their offspring in singing lessons for kids. Not only is it an admirable talent to possess, but it can be a source of enjoyment for the child as well. If you are one of those parents, here are some of the things suggested by Helen Nadel you might consider before signing on for singing lessons for youth.

The Teachers
As every parent knows, kids can be very messy. This is why it is important for you check out if the teacher will be patient with the student. Find out if he or she has worked with children before as well as their success rate. Keep in mind that this can affect your child's emotional well being so be careful of what to choose.

The Lessons
Kids are kids and they won't automatically go for the new songs of today that can be pretty fast and hard to pronounce. It is important to start them off with easy songs, perhaps even ones that appeal to the child. As the singing lessons for kids or singing lessons for youth progresses, the level of the song may increase as the child's familiarity to the activity becomes more so.

To Music School or Not
Music schools are also excellent options, especially if you're going to place your child in group sessions. This will allow them to cultivate their social skills as well as singing skills. However, if you want private lessons at home, then that's also up to you. The important thing is that the child enjoys the lessons as well as learning from it. If you do decide to opt for music schools, then ask pertinent questions ranging from their lessons, how they handle children and how they motivate the students to participate. You might even try to ask if they will let you sit in on one of the classes for a better understanding of what exactly your child will get.

Teaching them Yourself?
Of course, you also have the option of teaching them yourself. Even if you are not well versed when it comes to music, you can find the necessary information via online singing lessons. You may also incorporate instrument lessons if you can, and teaching your child yourself may promote bonding in the family. However, bear in mind that there is only so much you can teach through online singing lessons. This is why for a deeper understanding when it comes to music, you should hire a teacher or enroll your child in credible music schools.

Motivating your child into participating in singing class won't be that hard, especially if the child has already shown previous interest in the art. It is now the parent's role to cultivate that talent into something more. The constant presence of music in the house is also a great motivator.

Helen Nadel is a life coach and a singing teacher who has empowered many lives
Because of her background as a singer and a recording artist with EMI France, Helen has taught children age four and up how to sing. Helen has been working with children in voice placement, voice projection and has kept countless young performers from the painful damage which vocalist experience when they do not sing from the diaphragm.

Helen Nadel’s various levels of expertise in vocal expression have a lot to do with the ability to sing from the diaphragm.
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